Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Etiology
Airway Genetics and Ambient Combustion Aerosol
I. 5 Point Summary
A) Quantity - Avg Daily
Fruit (Fr) 0-24 oz raw weight; Fish, Meat, Poultry (MF) 3-7 oz
Legumes (Lg) 0-12 oz cooked weight; Vegetables (Vg) 28-40 oz fresh or frozen
Grain (Gr) 12-38 oz dry, raw weight
B) Energy - Avg Daily Calories (Kcal)
Fr 0-600 MF 100-300 Lg 0-400 Vg 250-400 Gr 1200-3800 Total Energy 2000-5500 Kcal
C) Nutrient Distribution
In choosing plant foods having known essential nutrients - thousands of desirable phytochemicals are likely present including brown rice and brassica vegetable phytoestrogens, flavonols, and glucosinolates (Frankenfeld 2008, Prior 2003, Drewnowski 2000).
Fr: Potassium and Misc; MF: B12, Iron Absorption Enhancement, Muscle Carnitine Transport Capacity, Protein
Lg, Vg: Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, C, B2, Folate, A, E, K, 18.3 N-3 Linolenic
Gr: Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Selenium, B1, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, B6, 18.2 N-6 Linoleic
D) Fiber Distribution
Fr, Lg, Vg: Viscous Soluble Rapidly Fermenting; Gr: Hydrating Sponge, Slowly or Non Fermenting
E) Nutrient Comparison
Added Fat and Oil: Empty Calories; Grain: Nutrient Density
Dairy: Calcium but Mostly Lacking; Green Leafy (Brassica Family): Calcium and High in Nutrients
Poor health and medical bills - the Food Pyramid of fats, oils, sweets, dairy, eggs, nuts, and refined grains should never be consumed - dairy high in fat except skim, nonfat, or dry curd; nuts oily; and egg yolks high in cholesterol.
II. Energigram
Most caloric energy (Kcal) is best obtained from multiple glucose units of starch - over 80% of brown rice calories are derived from starch. Glucose is preferred fuel blood sugar, set aside as glycogen, and surplus converted and stored as fat. While combining is conceivable to correct nutrient deficiencies - brown rice is the only stand alone optimal calorie source. Problems among the alternatives are listed below with letter designations appearing in the rating column of the Energigram chart.
Nutrient score of 5, 1000 Kcal meets RDA; 3, 2000 Kcal; a score of 2 or 1 needs a 4 or 5 to correct deficiency. A food having all scores 3 or more will stand alone on a 2000 Kcal intake - concerning nutrients mostly obtained from grain.
Rating: A - all scores 3,4,5 fiber optimal; B - high fiber and digestion resistant starch (RS) excessive bulk per calorie; C - protein per calorie may be excessive; D - fiber and RS may produce a dense stool; E - contains gluten: celiac disease in 1% of the population; F - fiber is soluble rather than hydrating, inadequate bulk, loose stools, some have response to oats similar to celiac disease; G - nutrient deficiencies (scores 1,2) could combine with 4,5 though may not be optimal; H - severe nutrient deficiency, difficult to compensate; J - potato glycoalkaloids toxic in quantity, body odor; K - above 10% too high in fat
Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Selenium, B1, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, B6, 18.2 N-6 Linoleic, Carbohydrate, Fat, Protein (MCS 2021 Exclusive adapted from USDA SR28 composition data)
% of Kcal
Ir Mg Ph Zi Cu Mn Se B1 Ni Pa B6 N6 Rating C F P
Rice, Brown 4 5 5 3 3 5 5 4 5 4 5 3 A 89 4 7
Whole Wheat 5 5 5 3 3 5 5 4 5 3 3 3 B,C,D,E 81 5 14
Barley Meal 4 4 5 4 3 4 4 5 1 3 2 E,G 90 2 8
Rye Flour Dark 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 E 85 4 11
Buckwheat, 5 5 5 3 3 5 2 4 4 2 4 3 G 82 6 12
Whole Groat
Cornmeal, Whole 5 5 4 2 2 3 3 4 3 2 2 3 G 84 9 7
Grain, white, yellow
Ir Mg Ph Zi Cu Mn Se B1 Ni Pa B6 N6 Rating C F P
Oatmeal, qk, reg 4 3 4 2 2 5 5 3 1 2 1 5 C,F,G,K 72 15 13
Amaranth Flour 5 5 5 3 3 5 2 2 3 2 5 G,K 73 16 11
Arrowroot Flour 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 H 96 2 2
Carob Flour 5 4 2 2 4 4 2 2 3 1 4 C,H 84 2 14
Potato Flour 3 3 4 2 5 2 1 3 1 2 5 1 H,J 91 3 6
Quinoa 5 5 5 3 4 5 2 3 3 2 5 C,G,K 74 13 13
Protein - overall usually less than 15% of calories - is concentrated in the meat factor group - building blocks of 20 amino acids: 9 indispensable diet essential (Ind), 6 conditionally indispensable (Cind), 5 dispensable - body can synthesize. Of dietary protein - 60% or more from vegetables and grain - sufficient whole food carbohydrate calories are protein sparing - too much protein results in excessive amino nitrogen (about 16% of protein weight [DRI 2006]) not efficient as an energy source. Combining beans and rice to compensate lysine (limiting amino acid of rice and wheat) is not necessary - the meat factor group also provides lysine - along with iron absorption enhancement, muscle carnitine transport capacity, and B12 - needs not met with beans. FNBIOM DRI 2005 scoring pattern mg/g protein Lysine Ind (L) 51, Methionine Ind +Cysteine Cind (MC) 25; Brown Rice L38,MC34; Whole Wheat 26,38; Cowpeas(similar to beans) 69,25; Tuna light cnd in water 83,37; Beef 93,38; Chicken Breast 84,40
III. Meat Factor: Fish, Seafood, Meat, Poultry
Comparing saturated fatty acids (SFA) to mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids (MUFA & PUFA) - meats generally have much higher SFA than fish. Total SFA 3.5 oz: light tuna canned water .23, turkey breast .24, chicken breast 1.01, beef round separable lean 2.26, pork 3.09. Important among PUFA found in vegetables and grains are the two essential fatty acids (EFA): n-6 linoleic 5-10 grams/day spread out in whole grain matrix of antioxidants, and n-3 linolenic in whole grain but mostly from vegetables 1-1.5 grams/day a matter of drops diluted in antioxidant vegetable matrix. A score of 3 or more in the n-6 column of Energigram or n-3 column of Vegigram indicates a good amount. A large portion of n-3 linolenic is converted to omega 3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosohexaenoic (DHA) - omega 3 is also found preformed in seafood. Concentrations of MUFA and PUFA are calorically dense, nutrient deficient, oxidative, impair circulation, and contribute to disease - sharing harmful effects of SFA. Data below concerns total fat.
Preferred: Fat under 10% of calories; cholesterol total of all foods less than 100mg day; mercury 1 PPM - 5 oz/week limit. A concentration of .1 PPM allows 50 oz/week; B12: optimal may be 4 mcg/day (Vakur Bor 2010) - minimum 2.4 (DRI 2006, RDA 1989). Limiting fat, cholesterol, and mercury - B12 maintained - places average daily intake from the meat group at 4-7 oz/day.
10 to 1 Scoring Best to Worst (MCS 2021 Exclusive, adapted from USDA SR28 and FDA Mercury data)
Fat % of calories: Score 10 = 0-5%, 9 = 6-10, 8 = 11-15, 7 = 16-20, 6 = 21-25, 5 = 26-40, 4 = 41-50, 3 = 51-70, 2 = 71-85, 1 = 86-100%
Cholesterol mg/3.5 oz: 10 = 0-25 mg, 9 = 25-50, 6 = 51-75, 3 = 76-100, 2 = 101-150, 1 = 151 mg and above
Mercury PPM: 10 = 0-.05 PPM unlimited consumption, 9 = .06-.10 PPM 66 oz/week limit, 7 = .11-.15 PPM 48 oz/wk, 5 = .16-.20 PPM 33 oz/wk, 3 = .21-.50 PPM 14 oz/wk, 1 = .5-.9 PPM 7 oz/wk limit
B12 mcg/3.5oz: 10 = 3.0 mcg and above, 9 = 2.5-2.9, 8 = 2.0-2.4, 7 = 1.5-1.9, 6 = 1.0-1.4, 3 = .5-.9, 1 = 0-.4 mcg
Fish: 10 to 1 Best to Worst Scoring Fat % of Calories, Cholesterol, Mercury, B12 (10 has the least Mercury)
Haddock Fat 10, Cholesterol 6, Mercury 9, B12 7; Cod 10,9,9,7; White Sea Bass 10,N,N,N; Sand dabs 9,N,N,N; Light Tuna canned water 9,9,7,9; Sole 9,6,9,6; Orange Roughy 9,10,1,1; Perch Yellow 9,N,N,N; Pickerel Chain 9,N,N,N; Blue Pike 9,N,N,N; Snapper Red Gray 9,9,1,10; Flounder 9,6,10,6; Porgy 9,N,N,N
Northern Pike 8,9,N,8; Walleye Pike 8,3,10,10; Tautog (Blackfish) 8,N,N,N; Monkfish 8,9,5,3; Ocean Perch 8,9,10-5,7
Mackerel King 7,6,1,10; Smelts 7,N,N,N; Bass Black 7,N,3,N; Trout Brook 7,6?,3?,10?
Barracuda 6,N,5,N; Tuna Yellowfin 6,9,9,8; Tuna White (Albacore) 6,9,3,6; Bass White 6,3,N,8; Bass Striped (Rockfish) 6,9,3,6; Tilefish 6,6,1GulfofMexico-7Atlantic,8; Herring Pacific 6,10-6,10,10
Tuna Bluefin 5,9,N,10; Catfish Freshwater 5,9,9,9; Porgy & Scup 5,6,N,7; Croaker Atlantic 9,6,9,7; Perch White 5,9-2,7,8; Shark 5,6,1,6; Bluefish 5,6,3,10; Swordfish 5,9,1,6; Sturgeon 5,6,N,8; Carp 5,6,7,6; Mullet 5,6,9,1; Salmon Pink 5,10,10,3; Sea Trout 5,3,3,10; Mackerel Jack cnd 5,6,N,10; Mackerel Spanish 5,6,5SouthAtlantic-3GulfofMexico,10; Whitefish Lake 5,6,7,3; Bonito 5,N,N,N
Sardines 4,2,10,10; Mackerel Atlantic 4,6,9,10; Mackerel Pacific and Jack 4,6,9,10; Salmon Sockeye 4,6,10,10; Anchovies 4,10,10,3; Eels 4,2,N,9; Pompano Pike 4,N,N,N; Shad 4,3,9,1; Trout Rainbow canned 4,6,9,10
Butterfish 3,6,9,7; Trout Lake 3,6?,3?,10?; Herring Atlantic canned 3,6,9,6; Salmon Atlantic Chinook 3,6,10,9; Sablefish 3,6,3,6; Turbot 3,6,N,N
Fish: 10 to 1 Scoring - same as above 10 the least (best) 1 the most (worst) Mercury only:
Hake 10, Tilapia 10, Sheepshead 7, Skate 7, Buffalofish 5, Grouper (E) 5, Grouper (M) 4, Marlin 3, Scorpionfish 3, Tuna Fresh, Frozen 3, Moonfish 1
Seafood (Shellfish etc.) Best to Worst Scoring Fat % of Calories, Cholesterol, Mercury, B12 (10 has the least Mercury)
Abalone 10,3,N,3; Scallops 10,2,10,10; Shrimp 9,2,10,6; Clams 8,9,9-3,10; Spiny Lobster 8,3,7,10; Lobster 8,3,3,6; Squid 8,1,9,6; Crawfish 8,2,10,7; Crab 7,6,9,10; Crab Blue 7,3,5,10; Mussels 6,9,ND,10; Oysters 6,9-2,10,10
Meat, Poultry: 10 to 1 Best to Worst Scoring Fat % of Calories, Cholesterol, B12:
Rabbit 7,2,10; Deer 8-5,3,8-7; Elk 8-5,6,9-3; Beef 5-3,6-2,9; Lamb 5-4,3,8; Pork 4,3,6-3; Veal 4-3,2-1,6; Organ Meats 5,1,10
Chicken light 7,6,1; Turkey light 6,6,1; Squab Pigeon light 4,3,1; Chicken Dark 5,3,1; Duck wild 5,3,1; Turkey Dark 5,3,1; Goose 3,3,1; Duck domestic 4,3,1
IV. Eggs, Dairy
High in fat or cholesterol except skim, nonfat, or dry curd
10 to 1 Best to Worst Scoring Fat % of Calories, Cholesterol, B12 :
Egg whole 3,1,3; yolk 2,1,6; white 10,10,2
Milk whole 3,9,1; lowfat 5,10,1; skim 10,10,1; Cottage Cheese lg&sm curd 5,9,1; lowfat 2% 7,10,1; lowfat 1% 8,10,1; dry curd 10,10,1; Yogurt whole 4,9,1; lowfat; 6,10,1; nonfat 10,10,1
Ice Cream 4-3,4-6,1; Milkshake 6,9,1; Eggnog 4,6,1; Butter 1,1,1; Margarine N,N,3; Coffee Cream 1,9,1; Half and Half 2,9,1; Sour Cream 1,9,1; Whipped Cream 3,6,1
Cream Cheese 1,3,1; fat free 4-3,10-9,2; Mozzarella 4-3,9-6,7; Cheddar 2,9-3,3; Swiss 3,3,9; Parmesan 3,6,7; Provolone 2,6,6; Camembert 2,6,6; Feta 2,3,6; Meunster low fat 3,3,6; Ricotta 3,5-3,1; American 2,3,3; cheesefood 3,6,6; Neufchatel 2,6,1
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