Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Etiology

Airway Genetics and Ambient Combustion Aerosol



I. 5 Point Summary aa1

II. Energigram aa1

III. Meat Factor: Fish, Seafood, Meat, Poultry aa2

IV. Eggs, Dairy aa2

V. Vegigram Max aa3-6

I. 5 Point Summary

1) Quantity - Avg Daily

Fruit (Fr) 0-24 oz raw weight, Fish, Meat, Poultry (MF) 3-7 oz

Legumes (Lg) 0-12 oz cooked weight, Vegetables (Vg) 28-40 oz fresh or frozen

Grain (Gr) 20-38 oz dry, raw weight

2) Energy - Avg Daily Calories (Kcal)

Fr 0-600   MF 100-400   Lg 0-400   Vg 240-500   Gr 2000-3800   Total Energy 2340-5700 Kcal

In choosing plant foods having known essential nutrients - thousands of desirable phytochemicals are likely present including brown rice and brassica vegetable phytoestrogens, flavanoids and glucosinolates (Frankenfeld 2008Prior 2003Drewnowski 2000).

3) Nutrient Distribution

Fr: Potassium and Misc, MF: B12, Iron Absorption Enhancement, Muscle Carnitine Transport Capacity, Protein

Lg, Vg: Calcium, sodium, potassium, C, B2, Folate, A, E, K, 18.3 N-3 linolenic 

Gr: Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Selenium, B1, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, B6, 18.2 N-6 Linoleic

4) Fiber Distribution

Fr, Lg, Vg - Viscous Soluble Rapidly Fermenting, Gr - Hydrating Sponge Slowly or Non Fermenting

5) Nutrient Comparisons

Added Fat and Oil: Empty Calories, Grain Calories: Nutrients and Fiber

Dairy: Calcium but Mostly Lacking, Green Leafy (Brassica Family): Calcium and High in Nutrients

II. Energigram

Most caloric energy (Kcal) is best obtained from multiple glucose units of starch - over 80% of brown rice calories are derived from starch. Glucose is preferred fuel blood sugar, set aside as glycogen, and surplus converted and stored as fat. While combining is conceivable to correct nutrient deficiencies - brown rice is the only stand alone optimal calorie source. Problems among the alternatives are listed below with letter designations appearing in the rating column of the Energigram chart.

A nutrient score of 5 indicates 1000 Kcal meets requirement - 3 indicates 2000 Kcal meets requirement - while a score of 2 or 1 needs help from a 4 or 5 to correct deficiency. A food having all scores 3 or more will stand alone on a 2000 Kcal intake - concerning those nutrients principally obtained from grain. For calcium, E, and N-3 score 3 and above is satisfactory contribution - allowing the majority comes from vegetables.

A - all scores 3,4,5 fiber optimal, B - fiber and digestion resistant starch (RS) excessive bulk per calorie

Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Selenium, B1, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, B6, 18.2 N-6 Linoleic


Rice, Brown

Whole Wheat

Barley Meal

Rye Flour Dark


Whole Groat

Cornmeal, Whole

Grain, white, yel

Oatmeal, qk, reg

Amaranth Flour

Arrowroot Flour

Carob Flour

\Potato flour


Meat Group: Fat % of Calories and Cholesterol mg/3.5 ounces

Under 10% in fat and less than 100 mg daily cholesterol preferred.

Order: Fish, Shellfish, Meat and Poultry


Less than 10% Fat Calories

Haddock 1%, Cod 4, Abalone 5, White Sea Bass 5, Sand dabs 6, Light Tuna canned in water 6, Sole 8, Perch Yellow 8, Pickerel Chain 9, Blue Pike 9, Snapper Red Gray 9%


Flounder 10%, Porgy 10, Northern Pike 11, Walleye Pike 11, Tautog (Blackfish) 11, Halibut California 13, Smelts 18, Bass Black 19, Trout Brook 19%


Barracuda 21%, Tuna Yellowfin 21, Bass White 22, Bass Striped (Rockfish) 23, Tilefish 24, Herring Pacific 24, Tuna Bluefin 26, Catfish Freshwater 27, Porgy and Scup 27% 


Perch White 30%, Bluefish 31, Swordfish 31, Sturgeon 32, Carp 33, Mullet 33, Whitefish Lake 38% 


Bonito 40%, Sardines 43, Anchovies 51, Eels 52, Pompano Pike 52, Shad 53, Trout Rainbow Canned 53, Butterfish 56, Trout Lake 56, Herring Atlantic Canned 58, Mackerel Atlantic Pacific 58, Salmon Atlantic Chinook 58, Turbot 68%

Cholesterol Levels mg/3.5 ounces

All between 33-64 mg

Halibut California 33mg, Cod 46, Tuna Bluefin 51, Light Tuna Canned in water 51, Tuna Yellowfin 51, Trout Brook 57, Trout Lake 57, Trout Rainbow Canned, Haddock 64 mg


Fat % of Calories

Scallops 2%, Shrimp 8, Clams 10, Lobster 14, Crab 18, Mussels 21, Oysters 22%

Cholesterol Levels mg/3.5 ounces 

Shellfish High: 83-166 mg

Lobster 83 mg, Crab 99, Clams 118, Oysters 161, Shrimp 161, Scallops 161mg

Meat and Poultry

Fat % of Calories

Chicken Light 19%, Turkey Light 20, Squab Pigeon Light 30, Venison 31, Chicken Dark 32, Duck Wild 34, Rabbit Wild 35, Turkey Dark 37, Goose 42, Duck Domesticated 44, Beef 29-50, Lamb 33-44, Pork 41-52, Veal 46-57%

Cholesterol Levels mg/3.5 ounces

All between 42-76 mg

Pork 42-57 mg, Chicken Light 54, Beef 55-68, Lamb 66, Veal 71, Chicken Dark 76 mg

Mercury in Fish and Seafood

Lower 0.10-.118 PPM

Anchovies .043, Butterfish .058, Catfish .049, Cod .095, Crab .060, Crawfish .060, Croaker (Atlantic) .072, Flatfish .045, Haddock (Atlantic), .031, Hake .014, Herring .044, Jacksmelt .108, Lobster (Spiny) .09, Mackerel (Atlantic) .050, Mackerel (Pacific Chub .088 

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