Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Etiology

Airway Genetics and Ambient Combustion Aerosol

Before starting out plenty of water is helpful.

If nature calls - a lady J can reduce exposure.

Soft soled flexible shoes may be best.

If pain develops in feet, ankles, knees, etc. changing the shoe or insole may bring relief.

Rotating several pairs may allow compressed EVA to reshape and recovery from distortion unique to the removed shoe.

When the removable insole distorts to the first hint of pain - it can be replaced or the shoe used without insole.

Running and walking in the same shoes - the foot bed conformed to the other activity - though uncertain - may not be a good idea.

10,000 steps per day - at 100 steps/minute equals 100 minutes or approx 5 miles.

Concerning bone and joint maintenance - weight bearing exercise - such as walking and running - is optimal.

People are naturally adapted to walking long distances. Running is also supportive - adding more strength and density - but walking is the foundation.

Instead of walk a hundred yards and jog a similar distance - it's more like maintain an overall proportion of at least 4 miles walking for every mile run - at least 2 hours walking per day (about 6 miles) and occasionally running several miles or more.

Of course biking doesn't do it and neither does exercising specific muscle groups - it's the whole body weight bearing and natural movement with walking and running - the more miles walked the greater strength and durability - running strains and temporarily draws on the walking reserve - but stimulates more strength and bone density - sort of one step back and 2 steps forward.

Lifting a leg to take each step may not seem glamorous - but in two hours (over 10,000 steps) weight has been lifted and nearly every muscle flexed - all the time stimulating bones and joints.

As mentioned above, with mileage - repetitive stress from the same shoes or insoles can cause pain or injury in foot or legs - at first hint of acute pain changing (rotating) shoes or insoles may relieve the problem.


Lady J. 

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