Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Etiology

Airway Genetics and Ambient Combustion Aerosol

Greetings and best wishes.

Thanks for the study.

Interpretation of results concerning prefrontal information processing in MCS overlooks the following:

1) every breath - including during study exposure repetitions - there is inhalation of the ambient combustion aerosol - including a thousand chemicals and metals adsorbed to ultrafine particle cores with penetration to the olfactory bulb via exposed olfactory nerves in the damaged airway epithelia of MCS patients.

2) I refer you to the following links concerning MCS Etiology.

Please let me know your thoughts if you'd like.


Mike Badolato

to reach or get back to website google: MCS Etiology

MCS A-1 Etiology: Dantoft 2014

MCS 1 Etiology Narrative

MCS 2 The Etiology of MCS 

MCS 3 Definition and Consensus Criteria

MCS 3a Criteria Amendment Research (CAR)

MCS 3a AKA Multiple Chemical Sensitivity:  2015 Consensus Criteria

MCS 3aa Etiology: Consensus Author CAR Test (SPC)

MCS 3b CAR References

MCS 3c CAR Documentation

Dear Ning Team,

This is quite sudden bad news - suddenly a 20 fold increase in website price. That's thousands of hours work lost. searches first in MCS Etiology category on search engines including google. I have thousands of links on this - the 19.99 yr mini. I understand that price was carried over because original terms were no cost at all with advertising you provided - so the very nominal price was extended to honor closely the original terms.

I can also understand that price is low and I could go for a few hundred or so but not 588.00. You are simply taking the website right out from under me with no middle ground and so far wide of the original commitment that on my disability income I can't afford it.

My question therefore is: if you won't price this considerate of how this sudden change in terms violates all commitment  - you are threatening to basically erase my website if I can't afford this sudden change in terms. Look at the quality of forums on that website and the thousands of hours I will lose. If you stick  588 or cancel - how long do I have before cancellation - you mentioned end of billing cycle - the 19.99 was paid August 2016 - does that allow the website to stay until August 2017 at 19.99 for that year? I need you to offer continuation of my current ning mini at a middle ground price or I have to move all my content to another website and have time to notify members - with several ongoing reminders to them.

I don't want you to cancel the website until I have time to move the content and I don't want and can't accept any billing at a 588.00 annual rate.

Please advise.



II. What is the Value of a Credible MCS Website?

 The annual cost for the website rises from just $20.00 to 588.00 beginning August 2017 - round numbers 600.00 - this is a forced upgrade with increased features and a capacity of at least 10,000 members. We need 600 or more members: 1.00 in a stamped envelope - if 2000 members - in a special account we decide how to manage the extra money - treasurer and other officers possible.

Joining only takes minutes - no call for the 1.00 yet - but platform requires approval of your pending membership when I see it in my E-mail.

By joining you get a website - can post forums and photos - even categories - and you can get back in and edit what you have posted.

If you don't help I'll lose the website - thousands of hours work and the most authoritative evidence concerning the environmental basis of our illness. I'm trying to help but can't afford 600.00 a year - I'd be out $6,000 over a 10 year period.

I hope we keep MCS Etiology on the internet so people can know the importance of a better environment.

Price Increase Rollback

Since coming under new management, we’ve spent time reviewing all the feedback you’ve given us about the price increase here on Creators, in tickets, and in call notes.  We’ve heard you loud and clear!  So we’re pleased to announce that we are not proceeding with the increases for Ning Plus and Pro nor are we discontinuing grandfathered Ning Mini networks at this time. 

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