Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Etiology

Airway Genetics and Ambient Combustion Aerosol

Cheryl Ann Bowler
  • Female
  • Redland, Queensland
  • Australia
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  • michael edward badolato jr

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At 12:12pm on June 23, 2012, michael edward badolato jr said…

Hi Cheryl,

I had been out away from the computer since June 4 and just read your comments. Thanks. I deleted Mrs. Princess - looks like he/she was a spammer.

I don't think you wrote too long. Thanks for sharing what is happening. It seems so difficult - clean air is nearly impossible to find. There is so much burning of everything - that is what I've been trying to communicate on this site. MCS people might be okay if there was good environment.

Concerning the woodsmoke - that might be the worst of all if you had to rate them. Here in Montana they burn wood for heat - I basically can't be here when they do that.

What is your present environment now?

I've had to avoid everything - otherwise forced to wear a disposable particulate respirator. I can hike and run or do anything - but have no tolerance for any smoke or exhaust. My head just won't do it - pain and without protection it wants to quit. I was out at 7900 feet - exhaust still topped it sometimes.

Anyway your welcome to let me know more about whats up. Concerning a book - I'd like to tell the world to clean up the environment but I doubt it would change much. On the other hand it might be a good exercise in caring to communicate with a book.

I'll be away from the computer maybe again the next few weeks. There may be a block of time the week of July 9th where I might be on the computer a lot at MSU library in Bozeman (Montana). I was thinking of taking a few days here at the MSU branch in Dillon - but thinking maybe not.

I don't have much computer time today and would like to have had more time to think about what you wrote. Thanks again for the message. Mike

At 8:36am on June 4, 2012, michael edward badolato jr said…

Hi Cheryl - as timing would have it I was away from the computer the past three weeks - my MCS need to avoid has forced staying away from things most of the time. Often I am out  2 or 3 weeks - after today it might be another 16 days or so.

I was on a mountaintop for 18 but it had mixed reviews environmentally and next thing I knew a wildfire started and grew fast within sight line and a huge plume of smoke developed.

That seems surprising one or more of your children (now nearly adults) would have MCS also - though it is genetic - even then you might think it would tend to go recessive a lot when its passed along. I wonder how often MCS tendency passes directly.

Thanks for your message - I apologize I couldn't answer sooner. Mike

At 11:09am on May 14, 2012, michael edward badolato jr said…

Hi Cheryl - thanks for joining. Thats neat you are in Australia - I need to look at a map to imagine where you are. Hope you are having a nice spring. Thanks again, Mike


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