Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Etiology

Airway Genetics and Ambient Combustion Aerosol

Welcome to my profile. Strap yourself in; keep head and arms inside. And no smoking! ๐Ÿ˜Š
Welcome to the museum of the hard to believe! ๐Ÿ˜Š
To gain information and experience with someone, takes a real world conversation. Not good to let fear rule; I have fears too.
In putting relationship first, respect that fear is an irrational emotion, not a good basis for decision making. Fear can occur in anticipation of doing something, or in making that decision, but it doesn't say whether yay or nay.

Concerning the dietary fat/oil levels that are leading cause of death in Western countries by complications of atherosclerosis and increased incidence of intestinal, prostate, and breast cancer; though already mentioned below, I brought to the top of profile, that all added fats and oils are bad; concerning oils composed of mostly mono unsaturated fatty acids such as avocado, canola, olive, and peanut oil; they are found to not raise measured cholesterol levels, and many are labeled organic. However, they are unhealthy because influx of chylomicrons impairs circulation, cholesterol is still present, they may participate in building arterial plaque; are pro-oxidative, carcinogenic; and present concentrated calories without nutrients.
I met a lady last September who revealed she had lost both breasts due to cancer. When I asked of her diet, she admitted following a special diet for many years which included a teaspoon of organic oil at every meal, 3 meals a day.
Concentrated oils are toxic; however, dilute in whole food matrix the essential fatty acid (EFA) requirements are about one half teaspoon N-6 18.2 linoleic, and a few drops of N-3 18.3 linolenic, which can be safely obtained diluted amid fiber and anti-oxidants in whole grain such as brown rice, and brassica cruciferous vegetables. N-3, in part, serves as precursor of omega 3; in that way omega 3 is the eventual result of consuming whole grain and brassica vegetables. Of course, omega 3 occurs preformed in fish, however, avoid oily fish, they contain more ocean contaminants, although mercury is too high among most lean fish also.

A little geography: Midwest including Iowa, Minn, etc. average visibility due to air pollution is 15-25 miles, Intermountain West is greater than 70 miles. Boundary Waters and New England are risky for Lyme Disease. Northern regions with large woody forest create more wildfire smoke, biting flies are common in many areas, and winter cold, ice, and snow block access. To locate remotely involves knowing where not to go, in order to possibly find areas that work.

I am going to write a best selling book titled:
A Woman's Guide: 35 Green Singles Tips for How to Stay Single for the Rest of Your Life. ๐Ÿ˜Š
I'm serious (sort of). I seen it! There was spiders and everything. I couldn't believe it. Trap doors; they say "Hi Mike", the floor opens up, and I am laying upside down in a dungeon. "Now what" I ask, and I hear a voice say: "will you marry me?". And somehow; I think with superhuman strength, I climbed out of there and ran away fast as I could.
And that is only one, of the 35 secret tips, or shall we say, clever techniques.
With clumsy humor, I am now speechless, except to suggest, there is a glimmer of hope if we can arrive at 1 plus 1 equals 2.

Those who would throw on: "block the member", should understand that throwing on a block is a show of contempt that constitutes shunning, which can result in despair, depression, and suicide heaped on the person being shunned. I find it unthinkable that I would block or shun, out of respect for the fact that I don't want to hurt someone. I wrote honestly below about the superiority trip, and I have been blocked many times. That just proves the point of how the superiority attitude becomes cruel. The measure of the character of a person or society, if there is a measure, is the extent to which there is kindness. It is not consciousness; it is kindness. We all tend to think we are the conscious ones, while the next one over is a dim bulb, unless of course we have fallen for our favorite guru, in which case we may have given up critical thinking. Everybody has their own definition of consciousness, based upon their point of view, which is determined by genetics and life experience.
If you want to punch someone, then throw the block on. Ask yourself if it is right to hurt someone. Ask yourself if you have flunked the kindness course.
Life 101 Distinguishing between behaviors that are unkind, and behaviors that are kind. ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ

My membership fluctuates between levels of despair, whereupon my motivation paid, active Green Singles subscription depends. At those times of great despair, my active GS subscription gone, you may only get a hello. More than 200.00 out to GS the last year and a half, and feelings hurt, I pushed pause, or I give up. I would like to share love and companionship in doing something neat. ๐Ÿ˜Š

You would think Green Singles would imply environmental values.
But there needs to be a world of limits, when it comes to pleasure, travel, and fuel consumption.
I have air pollution intolerance, but have traveled living at beautiful locations out of necessity. At the same time, once on location, the only travel I do is on foot, because if I had it my way, I would live in town, seeking to always travel on foot, and never, or seldom drive, because it is a waste of time, resources, and poisons the environment. But because the fumes are irresponsible, and I am acutely aware of it, I seek to avoid air pollution,, thus, I have lived out of town, and very aware that the culture is irresponsible; partying, moving too fast, and burning too much.
Remember the pollution out chimney or tailpipe goes places, making people sick, and changing the climate. If you don't believe it, studies show that there is increased morbidity and mortality on days with higher air pollution, with physiological mechanisms identified.
There is a growing conceit in pursuit of spiritual superiority; the internet a marketplace for so called spiritual beliefs; when we should be loving each other; humble and self effacing concerning the mess that we are making.
And at the same time, amid the population overall, there seems a growing pride in becoming increasingly non-biological, using the physical body less, and taking drugs and medications of all types, instead of making good health decisions. Children have achieved record setting obesity, increasing numbers developing metabolic syndrome by adulthood, which is an interrelated cluster of degenerative disease, driven by poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and poor air quality.

I ask anyone reading my profile to put kindness first, and don't be afraid to build understanding by talking on the phone. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Lots of people have expressed vegan concerns. There are nutritional requirements that may be unmet when diet is vegan, which I mention further down the page.
Here is what I consumed ๐Ÿ˜Š in a recent typical 2 week period: 31 bags of frozen vegetables,12 ounces each; including broccoli florets, brussel sprouts, kale, and California mix (broccoli, carrots, cauliflower); also 8 bunches of fresh collard greens, 18 bananas, and V8 vegetable juice which is reportedly 90 percent tomato juice.
I am leery of juices, and thought V8 is a little different because it retains some fiber, and if choosing the low sodium, it might be okay; but the senseless unnaturally large amount of potassium chloride added to both low sodium and regular V8 may be a major concern.
It looks like grabbing a banana or vegetable is a better choice.
The detail often overlooked, is that potassium has 2 principle roles: 1) as an electrolyte, and 2) as an indicator of the alkalinity of a food. Potassium chloride is a non alkaline salt, not typical of the potassium found in alkaline foods complexed with bicarbonate producing anions such as potassium citrate. So the additive to V8, helps assure plenty of potassium for working muscles, and the dietary requirement for potassium is determined largely by the total activity level and corresponding lean muscle mass in support of that activity level. But on the other hand, an out of the bottle very large bundle of potassium chloride, out of preferred alkaline fruit and vegetable matrix, may be hazardous.
Most calories came from brown rice, and average 5 ounces daily chunk style pink salmon, about the lowest in mercury among all fish, with chunk style the least oily salmon preparation, was also
consumed. Of the total about 3230 calories average daily: 2500 brown rice, 200 bananas, 400 vegetables,
130 fish.
Again, the reasons for fish inclusion are mentioned further down.

I would still like to meet someone who would like to share an off grid all solar parcel, with room for beautiful walks in the mountains.

My profile main photo is a face I made for the photos, just goofing off; that is not an expression I use, or it would be rarely.

Difficulty on Green Singles has also included the following:
The woman expresses preoccupation by which she is elevated to superiority, so that there is no room for a relationship, including thoughts and feelings bound up with an animal, even to sacred marriage proportions. You'd think there'd be a way to say this, so a person understands; but instead I am repeatedly shunned.

If you take a pet, kitten, or any animal; away from it's mother and natural life; instead to control this animal as a pet; then you are not respecting the animal's right to it's own nature and dignity; and not respecting your own nature or your human partner's nature. Obviously, the answer is an attitude of contempt towards the human partner; why else turn to controlling an animal rather than controlling your human partner? Why would you seek ingratiation from an animal, rather than from your human partner?

The veil of contempt may say: I am a terrible man who is selfish, because I am not willing to take over an animal's nature by controlling it. And I am not willing to neglect my human partner, and other humans; by preoccupation with controlling the movement of an animal.

I don't fake it; if I am with a dog or cat, my attitude is: if you are not with the one you love; love the one you are with; so I give the animal what it wants; if it is a dog or a cat; I win it over, by both playing and warm hugs, especially with a dog. I grew up with a dog for 10 years. From puppy on, my hand spent a lot of time in Spunky's mouth (don't look at me; my mother named him :). But I also learned the cruelty; wisely the parents decided to not neuter him, but instead of extra long bones, lanky hip problems or a foul temper that arise from neutering; instead he cried, and cried; because he wanted to go chase the girls. And now I cry, and cry; because the girls don't see that pet keeping is wrong, wrong, wrong. About 2/3 of women are doing it, the remainder, by this time in life, may more likely be in a relationship with a human, because they are not busy controlling an animal. I don't know what else to say; it is like who wants to have a good time, and be at peace?

๐Ÿ˜Š Anyway, out of context and in the moment, it often looks sweet interacting with dog or cat, but triangles make a mess, because thoughts and feelings are diverted, much like a threesome of humans. Every day you must fight the fight, like going out on a date, but your girlfriend or boyfriend always brings somebody else along.๐Ÿ˜Ž

I ask, why the insistence that we can't have a good time; instead there must be a tension. And it violates the sensibilities; managing the poop, pee, and whatever else of an animal; it seems nothing can dislodge this persistent evil; where people control animals, and refuse to go all in, and love each other๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ.

๐Ÿ˜Š And you can say it is not so; well then what is the secret of the Green Single who remains single; instead refusing to communicate, or throwing out blocks to punish the other person? If pet keeping is sacred, then why isn't a good, loving human relationship taking place?

To summarize, a woman with pet or drug addiction often resents a potential human partner; refuses to effectively communicate, such as by on the phone; and may throw out a block that amounts to painful shunning, which can place the other person into deep despair and grief.

Often identity is kept hidden, and there is profound secrecy and duplicity, the lack of motivation is reinforced by self-elevation to superiority; thoughts and feelings directed to an animal, or influence of a drug.

The big thing is to care, by choosing good instead of bad; right instead of wrong. False information seduces people into using all sorts of drugs, making the bad, wrong choice.

For example, the cannabis receptor is claimed proof of natural benefit, when in reality we have receptors for all sorts of chemicals, including the most toxic ones. The cannabis push is a dishonest effort to create a money making opportunity.

It can be hard to believe sometimes, that there could be a good God. But whether God is good, evil, or non existent, I better choose the good. I think it is good to care about somebody else, and hold to a standard of good example, not wanting to let someone else down.

You can get sick as you want, mislead others, and sell modalities like band aids that don't last; by making the mistake of consuming added fats and oils beyond that contained in vegetables and whole grains; except avocados, olives, soybeans, nuts, and seeds are too high in oil, with oatmeal and quinoa slightly high.

Chocolate is high in fat; and the theobromine an addictive band aid, as if to compete with the fine capillary sludging, impairment of circulation, and gradual arterial plaque build up resulting from the fat content.

Caffeine (coffee, tea, cola drinks, etc.) increases pulsatile pressure resulting in mechanical fatigue of the elastic components altering aortic stiffness and wave reflections, although green tea may spare the wave reflections. Caffeine, little as one cup of coffee, increases inflammatory markers, evidencing participation in the pathophysiology of ischemic heart disease. Despite evidence of causation, caffeine, because it stimulates more pressure, under some conditions may tend to prevent a catastrophic heart attack, therefore; caffeine cessation should be done gradually, keeping in mind diet quality.
In other words, caffeine cessation should be accompanied by a safe, healthy, non atherogenic diet; as would be a good idea for everyone.

Added fat is also carcinogenic: historically 25 times more breast, intestinal, and prostate cancer in western countries consuming the most fats and oils compared to Thailand's lowest fat intake, with consistent correlation among the many countries compared.
Alcohol is a poison by ingestion; brain and liver cells are lost every time. Alcohol sludges red blood cells, impairing fine capillary circulation acutely for 72 hours after consumption, and alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, acutely for a similar period of time. So several days down one way, and then the search for the real you.
So called moderate consumption is a marketing ploy, but the media enforces the false narrative.
Dishonesty is rampant in so many areas; the everyday good and moderate air quality categories are false; the true air quality is poor and worse. Pollutants of concern are not reported and generally acknowledged, likely to promote the perception that the catalytic converter is a success without drawbacks.

I think it is important to be honest and care about consequences. Nutrition, environment, health, and disease has required a study of credible information. Proper interpretation of primary research material and secondary reviews without conflict of interest requires honesty, therefore it seems necessary to go back, not to controversial religious dogma, but to the basics of God and morality.

Referring to God is intended non denominational.
Evolutionary theory proven inadequate, scientists having determined that chance mutations can't account for the miracle of creation, instead the term intelligent design has been used; all things are created and further become; miraculously, intelligently determined, on the smallest scale; and at the level of people, places, and things; miraculous coincidence of events or messages; a mysterious spirit, energy, or other form; emerging, integrating, inherent, everywhere present; as if from another dimension, universe, or unimaginable place; all knowledge, wisdom, control, and power, yet precise to the detail and thoughts of each person.
I know it sounds like a fish story, but amid the seeming chaos, including the show of evil behavior in so many forms, there is a path defined by its evil opposite. The guiding light is making good moral decisions. ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ

Love your neighbor and commandments as moral guidelines, basis for the present day code of law, spread widely 2000 years ago from the Roman Empire to the Far East, with the most popular religions of the World preaching love your neighbor. When you realize accountability to God for how you treat people, it is a great motivating factor. Our conscious decisions exercise only limited control of what happens; the basis for the decisions and consequences is a complex orchestration of life experience determined by God pulling the strings. If and when you see it, or maybe you already have, it's like whoa, wow!

The presence of suffering, evil, and death is difficult to reconcile; however, given the miracle of creation, becoming, and morality; it is good faith to follow the path of love; and not far out to believe God loves you and heavenly life may exist. Given all the evil in the world there often may seem serious cause for doubt, but I know in my life there is a pattern where miraculously determined circumstances have been in return for mistakes made.โค๏ธ

Today the profit motive often conflicts with love of neighbor.
Morality has been so poor that health cost in the US has risen to a boggling $12,000.00 person/year.

To stay active, I have a whole grain, mostly brown rice based diet with lots of vegetables, including the most nutritious, such as kale and collard greens.

It came to my recent attention that rice carries a high concentration of inorganic arsenic (iA).
It should be noted, far as I know, there is no documented case or example of brown rice causing harm to humans due to inorganic arsenic content.
Most iA is in the bran with much passing unabsorbed. There is also host variability in response to iA metabolites, and measures of iA are of dry weight PPB before dilution by the water of expanded rice. The concern has been based on increased disease among humans exposed to high inorganic arsenic content in drinking water.
However, it may be wise to consider long term brown rice intake of over 2000 calories per day, as I have done, to be in largely uncharted territory. Thailand intake appears to be about 1000-1500 calories in many areas of the country.
Whole grain Basmati, including of American origin; though pricey may have 30 or 35% less iA because Basmati naturally pulls less iA from the soil. Thailand brown Jasmine may have somewhat less; American south central brown rice has the highest measured iA.
Also keep in mind that urine levels of iA white rice eaters are the same compared to that of brown rice eaters, as noted above because much of iA in the bran of whole grain brown passes unabsorbed. White rice consumption contributes to poor health outcomes due to insufficient fiber and nutrients; in contrast to the positive outcomes of brown rice.
It is estimated that the concentration of iA in brown rice can be reduced 50% by bringing water to a boil in a covered pot (4 cups water per cup of rice) then add the rice, allow to boil 5 minutes, pour off the water then replace the water at a quantity about 2-4 cups of water per cup of rice and complete the cooking in the covered pot as you normally would, allowing the rice to absorb all the water.
I haven't applied the above method, but efforts to bring in whole wheat macaroni to replace some brown rice consumption failed, because the greater bulk (fiber and resistant starch) of whole wheat forms excessively large stools, and the fine flour form resulted in a more rapid top end glucose rush (whole grain carbs are multiple glucose units), resulting in an apparent spillover of sudsy glucose in the urine.

Inclusion of 3 to 4 ounces of the meat factor group: fish, meat, or poultry; all support maintenance of muscle carnitine transport capacity, provide necessary B-12, and "meat factor" iron absorption enhancement; otherwise a suboptimal borderline anemia develops: about 10.5 to 11.5 on a normal range of 13 to 18 for hemoglobin; a good limit is 4-5 ounce maximum average daily because mercury and unsaturated fatty acids (oils) of fish, saturated fat content and somewhat higher cholesterol of meats, and total animal protein intake may become too high leading to a wide range of degenerative disease including atherosclerosis. Many may prefer to avoid red meat; and it is not necessary: fish fulfills the same requirement. Poultry and pork lag in B12 at .3 and .7 mcg per 3 oz; 2.3 the daily RDA. Some vegans seem to be doing well while foregoing the meat factor group; I haven't learned how they are doing it, although possibly with fermented food. I have never studied the potential drawbacks, or side effects, of fermented foods. Because mercury is so widespread among fish, I found chunk style pink salmon nearly the only fish low in mercury and oil content. Comparing mercury in canned chunk style pink salmon, chunk light tuna (skipjack), and solid white (albacore): 1X, 6X, 18X respectively (6 and 18 times more mercury in the tunas).

Optimal dietary substrate for continuous 24/7 bacterial enzyme digestion of the large intestine is best for health; a poor microbiome can lead to systemic endotoxemia (bacterial fragments enter the circulation) contributing to liver and thyroid disease; and too much viscous fiber (adhering, gel forming) can flatten the small intestinal villi interfering with the several hour after meal period of secreted enzyme digestion and absorption.
Added fats/oils, sugar, and refined grain result in health problems; but indiscriminate selection of vegetables and grains can get sloppy; the most well intentioned person can be greatly frustrated that way.

I have walked, hiked, or ran at least 80,000 miles in my lifetime. Walking is the fundamental great foundation. Jogging or running for a small percentage of distance is a good highlight, but running isn't for everyone in all circumstances, and I wouldn't pressure anyone into going running. It is possible to overdo running, or excessive walking on hilly or steep terrain. Running "damages" the muscles in such way that the body releases substances systemically to repair the damage, but in so doing those substances repair the brain and liver: a system wide rejuvenation mode. And of course there are other things running does: building greater strength, more thoroughly warmed up with rapidly penetrating circulation, and refreshes walking on the days that follow.
Greater flat distance, either walking or running, may be better than a shorter distance of more hills, if it comes down to a choice.
Running intensely up a steep grade is made possible by lack of interference by dietary gremlins, especially the blood sludging of added dietary fats and oils. Although distance is more important than a steep hill; the hill became an experiment of seeing how foods affect ability to do sustained intense exercise. To hold the uphill intensity no matter how steep or long was made impossible with added fats and oils sludging blood components; white spaghetti, due to lack of hydrating fiber to hold water in the large intestine, resulted in some headache and dehydration; on contrast brown rice is just right with its abundance of hydrating fiber.

I am a dedicated, devoted person; people who know me have been complimentary. In person I am not pompous; instead more like a humble player or servant who tries to make it good as possible for everybody; however, when I attempt to write about a subject of some complexity it seems people may misunderstand; I'm just trying to help with good information so they don't get sick, and it nearly scares me that I have not met the love of my life. I am very humble, affectionate, and unpretentious.

I have lived out in a vehicle for over 35 years of my life on the most beautiful public land in the US. However, it has been difficult for a number of reasons. I like to appreciate and seek the positive. I am chemically sensitive and live in the outdoors away from city or town because I need the clean air. However, in sharing life with someone, I expect living out in a vehicle does not provide the comfort level; I support moving to a farm, ranch, or other setting; separate from other development.

It comes back to basic morality again; most important is kindness extended among people.
I appreciate constructive criticism because it gives the opportunity to improve. Best wishes to anyone reading this profile. This isn't about one way religion or dogma, but I believe kindness is most important.

Describe the type of person you'd like to meet:
person who cares, mutual love and sharing
What do you like to do for fun/activities?
walking, hiking at least 2 hours a day, running some; though don't want to pressure anyone else into going running; I just keep up on it about 3 hours week often blocked into one or two runs each week; appreciating the beauty, flora, fauna, people, places, playing a simple game, keeping up with practical tasks; the to do list; reading research articles sometimes.

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