Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Etiology
Airway Genetics and Ambient Combustion Aerosol
Nutrition Index: Fwd I-V, Pref, Consensus III, IV Points 15-38
acid base: 33,37b calcium: absorption, detail 34;
added fats & oils: fwd V,pref,15,19,38 distribution fwd I,V,27,31;
adipose tissue: pref,16,36 and oxalic acid 32; sodium
aging: 18 35,37c; urinary loss 37b,c;
alcohol: pref,17 summary 37c
alkaline: fwd V,33,37b cancer: and fat% 16; SJF 17;
American Cancer Society: 16,37i hormone replacement 37;
American Heart Association: 20,38 potatoes: 32
amino acids: fwd II,24 capillaries: 15,20,37f
angina: 20 carb,fat,protein%: 16,20,21,38
anemia: 23 carbohydrates: 20,21
aneurism: 38 cardiovascular disease: pref,
anoxia: 20 16,17,22,34,37e
aortic stiffness: pref cartilage: 20
apple: fwd V,22,26,27,31 cauliflower: fwd V, 27,31,32,34
arterial: blockage 20,38; plaque 20,38; celiac disease: fwd II,25
stiffness 37c cellulose 26
arthritis: 20 cerebrovascular disease: pref,16
atherosclerosis: 15,20,37,38 chaconine: 32
avocados (too oily): fwd V,19,38 cheese: fwd IV
bacterial flora: bloom 22; enzymes 23, chicken: fwd III
25; fermentation fwd,26,32,33 chinese spinach: 34
bagels: 17 chips: 17
banana: fwd V,22,31 chloride: 35
barley: fwd II,25 cholesterol: fwd III,IV,V,17,19,
beans: fwd V,32 20,24,38
beef:fwd II,III,23 chylomicrons: 15,20
bicarbonate: 33,34 citric acid: 32
bisquick: pref claudication: 38
black tea: pref cocoa: pref
blockage: arterial 20, 38 cod: fwd III,23
bleeding time: 28 coffee: pref
blood sugar: 22 cognitive decline: pref
bok choy: fwd V,34 collard greens: fwd V,27,31,32,34
bone health - density, mass, loss, cookies: 17
fracture: and caffeine pref; exercise copper: fwd I,II,27,30,34
20,37g; calcium 34; salt 35; vitamin D coronary artery disease: 22
36; dietary fat 37f coronary heart disease: 20,22,38
boron: 34 cowpeas: fwd II,V
brain damage: pref,38 crackers: 17
bran: pref,37 c-reactive protein: pref,22
brassica vegetables: fwd I,27,28 cream: fwd IV
bread: pref,20,24 cream drink: 15
breakfast cereals: 17 cysteine: fwd II,24
breast cancer: 16,37i dairy products: fwd IV,17
broccoli florets: fwd V,27,31,32,34 degenerative disease: 15,18
brown rice: fwd I,II,pref,23-27,30,37i dementia: pref
brussels sprouts: fwd V,27,31,32,34 depression: pref
buffer,bicarbonate: fwd V,25 diabetes: pref,16,17,22
bulk: pref,fwd II digestion: 22,25
butter: fwd IV digestion resistant starch (RS):
cabbage: fwd V,31,32 fwd II,pref,25
caffeine: pref disability: 18
cake: 15,17 diverticulitis: 20
calories: fwd 1,19,21,30; DRI 2006: fwd V,20,27-29,33-37e
caloric density: pref drugs: pref
Nutrition Index: Fwd I-V, Pref, Consensus III, IV Points 15-38
eggs: fwd IV hypertension: pref,17,35
electrolytes: 23,25,33 hypotension: pref
endometrial cancer: 37h,i ice cream: 17
endosperm: pref,27 impaired fine capillary circulation:
endotoxemia: 22 pref,15,20,37f
energigram: fwd II insulin: effectiveness, resistance
essential fatty acids (EFA): data fwd V,pref,22; secretion fwd V
fwd I,II,V,30,31; detail 28 intestinal cancer: 16
estrogen: 37h,i iodine: 24
exercise: 18,20,23,33,37g,38 irritable bowel syndrome: 20
fats: 15-17,19,20 iron: fwd I,II,27,30
fatty acids: SFA,MUFA,PUFA fwd III,16; iron absorption enhancement:
short chain 23,25; EFA see essential 23,24; chelation 23; and GST
fermentation: fwd 1,26,32,33 deletions 24
fetal length: pref ischemia: pref
fiber: fwd V,25,26 ischemic stroke: pref,38
fine capillary circulation: 15,20,37f isoprostanes: 24,29
fish: fwd I,III,23 joints: 20,37f,g
flavonols: fwd I,27 junk food (SJF): fwd V,pref,19,38
flour: fwd V, kale: fwd V,27,31,32,34
flouron: 34 kidney: disease 20,38; failure 16,38;
folate: fwd I,V,27,31 and vitamin D 36
foot: 20 kuppfer cells: 22
fructose: 22 lack of exercise (LE): 18,37
fruit: fwd I,V,19,22,31,32 large intestine: 22,23,26,33
gallstones: 20,37b LDL, VLDL: 20,22,24
gangrene: 38 leaf lettuce: fwd V,31,32
germ: pref,27 legumes: fwd I,V,31
glucose: fwd II,V,pref,22 lignans: 23,27,37i
glucosidase: fwd V lignins: 26,33,37i
glucosinolates: fwd 1,27 linoleic EFA: fwd I,II,28,30
glutamate: 24 linolenic EFA: fwd V,28,31
glycine: 24 lipid peroxidation: 29
gout: 20 lipid peroxides: 24
gram/calorie conversion: 21,30 lipids 20,38
granola bar: 20 lipid polysaccharide endotoxin: 22
grapes: fwd V,22,31 liver damage: pref,22
green tea: pref liver enzymes: 22
GSTM1, GSTT1: 24 lysine: fwd II
haddock: fwd III,23 macronutrients: fwd II,5,16,19-21,30
HDL: 28 manganese: fwd II,27,34,38
heart attack: 38 magnesium: fwd II,27,34,38
hemicellulose: 26,33 maple syrup: pref
hemoglobin: 23 mayonnaise: 20
hepatic steatosis: 22 meat factor: fwd I,III,23,24
herb tea: pref medical bills: fwd I,pref
hip fracture: and calcium 34; medium chain sugars: 32
vitamin D 37 menopause: 34,37i
hormone replacement therapy: 37h,i Merck 1999: 18,20,34,37i,38
hydrating fiber: fwd I,V,26,33 mercury: fwd III,23; amalgam 23
hypercalcemia: 34,37e metabolic syndrome: pref,20
hypercalciuria: 34,37e methionine: fwd II,24
hyperglycemia: fwd V microbrial translocation (MT): 22
Nutrition Index: Fwd I-V, Pref, Consensus III, IV Points 15-38
micronutrients: fwd II,V,27,30,31,37e prostate cancer: 16
milk: fwd IV protein: fwd II,24
minerals and vitamins: fwd II,V,27,30,31 raffinose: 32
mountain: 15 RDA 1989: fwd II,V,27-31,34-37e
muffins: 17 refined grains: fwd V,17,19,22
muscle carnitine transport renal function: 34,35
capacity: 23,24 RNAE (renal net acid excretion): 33,37b
muscle tissue: 16 rolls: 17
mustard greens: fwd V,31,32 rhubarb: fwd V,34
myocardial infarction: 38 running: 20,34,app I
N-6 EFA linoleic: fwd V,28,31 rye: fwd II
N-3 EFA linolenic: fwd I,II,28,30 salad dressings: 17
niacin: fwd I,II,,27,30 salt: 19,35,37c
non alcoholic fatty liver disease saturated fats (SFA): fwd III,19
(NAFLD); 20,22 seeds: fwd V,19,38
non heme iron: pref,23 selenium: fwd I,II,27,30
nutrients: fwd I-V,20,23,27,30,31 senility: 38
nuts: fwd V,19,38 shellfish: fwd III
oats: fwd II,32 shoes, insoles: 20
obesity: pref,17,20 short chain fatty acids: 23,25
oils: fwd III,15,17,19,38 silicon: 34
olives: fwd V,19,38 skin: 36
omega 3: fwd III,24,28,30 skipjack (light) tuna: fwd III,23
oranges: fwd V,22,27,31,32 sludging blood components: pref,20
oreo: 20 small intestine: fwd V,25,26
Ornish: 20,38 sodium: detail 35; and calcium loss 37c;
osmotic load, diarrhea: fwd V,31,32 distribution fwd I,V,27,31; in SJF 19
osteoporosis: 20; and caffeine pref; soft drinks: 17
and salt 34 solanine: 32
overweight: 17 soluble fiber: fwd V,26,33
oxalic acid: 32 soybeans: fwd V,19,38
oxidant concentration: 24 specified junk food (SJF): fwd V,19,38
oxygen delivery: 20 spinach: fwd V,23,31,32,34
pantothenic acid: fwd I,II,27,30 staccyhose: 32
parboiled "minute" brown rice starch: fwd II,V,22
unsafe: 27,30 stomach: fwd V,25
pectin 26 stroke: pref,38
phenolic compounds: pref,27 sucrose: 22
phosphoric acid: pref sugar: fwd V,17,19,22,38
phosphorous: fwd I,II,27,30,34 sulfated glycoammoglycom
phytic acid iron complexes: 23 carbohydrate: 23
phytoestrogens: fwd I,27,37i sun: 36,37d
pizza: 17 sweetened beverages: 22
plaque (atherosclerosis): 15,20,38 sweeteners: pref
platelet aggregation: 28 sweet potatoes: fwd V,31,34
polyphenols: in coffee pref; T-bars (thiobarbituric-acid
in spinach 23,32 reactive substances: 29
pork: fwd III,23 tea: pref
postmenopause: 34,37h,i,38 thrombosis: 38
potassium: fwd V,27,30,31,33 tomato: fwd V,31,32
potato chips: 20 tongol tuna: 23
potatoes: fwd V,31,32 transient ischemic attack (TIA): 38
poultry: fwd III,23 triglycerides: 19,20,22
PRAL (potential renal acid load): 33 tuna: fwd II,III,23,24
Pritikin: fwd V,19,20,38 turkey: fwd III,23
Nutrition Index: Fwd I-V, Pref, Consensus III, IV Points 15-38
type 2 diabetes: 16,17,20,22
unsaturated fats: fwd III,19
urinary loss: calcium 34,35,37b,c
urinary stones: 37c
UV (ultraviolet): 36
vegetable oil drink: 15
vegetable oils: 17
vegetables: fwd I,V,27,31,37b
vegigram: 31, max fwd V
villi,villus: 26
villus flattening: 26,33
viscous soluble fiber: fwd V,26
vitamins and minerals: fwd II,V,27,30,31;
supplementation 34,36,37d,e
vitamin A: fwd I,V,27,31
vitamin B1 (thiamine):fwd I,II,27,30
vitamin B2: fwd I,V,27,31
vitamin B6: fwd I,II,27,30
vitamin B12: fwd I,III,23,24,30
vitamin C: detail 29; and GST deletion
24; distribution fwd I,V,27,31
vitamin D: detail 36; recommendation
vitamin E: fwd I,V,27,31
vitamin K: fwd I,V,27,31
walking: 20,34
water: 20
wave reflections: pref
weight bearing exercise: 20,33,34,37,38
wheat (whole): fwd II,pref,24,25
whole grain: fwd I,II,V,pref,22,27,30
yellowfin tuna: fwd III,23
zinc: fwd I,II,27,30,34
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