Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Etiology
Airway Genetics and Ambient Combustion Aerosol
I was too quick in posting the quote from Krivoshto 2008 that diesel is 100X worse than gasoline. In looking at the authors source (Zielinska 2004) there is not support for the statement - except comparing the worst diesel to the best gasoline - and so deleted it.
Zielinska 2004 had SO4 2- (sulfate) in diesel exhaust almost 22, NO3 2.5, and total PM 10-30 times higher in diesel exhaust compared to gasoline.
Even if the diesel industry claims improvement in emissions - there is no safe level. Such reduction is like saying - my roommate smoked 10 cigarettes per day in the house - but now smokes only one - so life is good.
Biodiesel is a con - exhaust is only a shade less severe.
There is no safe level of combustion byproducts including diesel exhaust.
I can make the following informal comparison - giving average of gasoline engines in cars and trucks 1 times a value of harm:
Gasoline cars and trucks 1X
Diesel cars and trucks 20-30X
Gasoline 2 and 4 stroke engines of motorcycles, ATV's, and lawn equipment 30-50X
Smoke including residential wood, open burn, tobacco, and marijuana at least 100X
MCS aa Etiology: Not Always Visible
MCS ab Etiology: Particulate Vector
MCS aj Etiology: Impossibly Good
Krivoshto I. et al. The toxicity of diesel exhaust: implications for primary care. J Am Board Fam Med 21:55-62 2008
Zielinska B. et al. Emission rates and comparative chemical composition from selected in-use diesel and gasoline-fueled vehicles. Air Waste Mgt Assoc 54:1138-50 2004
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