Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Etiology
Airway Genetics and Ambient Combustion Aerosol
Impossibly Good
A slower paced, reduced consumption, non combustion lifestyle is needed or human beings will go extinct due to loss of environment and resources.
Mgt 101 Consume Less or Extinction
Mgt 101a Impossibly Good City Design
9 Point Summary:
1) Man began cooking and heating with fire. Inhaling smoke predisposed for infections limiting life expectancy (Boman 2006).
2) Man developed antibiotics preventing fatality from infections greatly increasing life expectancy despite the inhalation of smoke and liquid fuel combustion byproducts (Yoshikawa 2000).
3) Smoke and liquid fuel combustion byproducts - combined with individual genetic vulnerability - plague the second half of life with degenerative disease due to penetration of particle agglomerates with adsorbed hydrocarbons and singlet non-agglomerated nanoparticles
Deering-Rice 2011, Hazari 2011, Li 2011, Taylor-Clark 2010, Baulig 2009, 2003a, Calderon-Garciduenas 2008, 2000, Veronesi 2003, 2002a, 2002b, 2001, 2000, 1999a, 1999b, Agopyan 2003, Bonvallot 2001, 2000, Gerde 2001, 1997, Oortgiesen 2000, Roy 2000, Miyabara 1998,1998a, Steerenberg 1998, Meggs 1997
OSHA 2012, Block 2009, Pakkanen 2003, Schauer 2002, 2001, 1999, US DOT FHA 2000, Society of Automotive Engineers SAE 940233 1994
Lucchini 2012, Mohankumar 2008, Inoue 2005, Kittelson 1998, Cadle 1999, Kleeman 1999
Fine particles expected to reach the CNS via trigeminal and olfactory nerve pathways
MCS 11, Calderon-Garciduenas 2010, Genter 2009, Matsui 2009, Elder 2006, Lewis 2005
4) Diseases due to smoke - wood and tobacco - and liquid fuel combustion byproducts - diesel, gasoline, propane, white gas - include Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (Deering-Rice 2011, Kunkler 2011,Taylor-Clark 2010, Bessac 2008, Nassenstein 2008, Nilius 2007), Alzheimers (Calderon-Garciduenas 2008), Parkinsons (Block 2009, 2004, Calderon-Garciduenas 2008, Veronesi 2005), cancer (Krivoshto 2008), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Li 2011), and exascerbation of heart disease (Hazari 2011).
5) Exposure of mother and developing fetus to the continuous combustion byproduct aerosol has increased autism in newborn children.
"...Exposure to traffic-related air pollution, nitrogen dioxide, PM 2.5 and PM 10 during pregnancy and the first year of life was associated with autism..."
"...Measured and estimated exposures from ambient pollutant monitors and LUR model suggest associations between autism and prenatal air pollution exposure, mostly related to traffic sources...
...12-15% relative increase in odds of autism for 03 (ozone)...per 11.54 ppb increase and PM 2.5 per 4.68 ug/m3 increase..."
"...Living near a freeway was associated with autism...
...Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by significant deficits in social interaction and communication, accompanied by repetitive behaviors (American Psychiatric Association 2000)...
...autism has been associated...with diesel PM exposure in early childhood (Windham 2006)...
...Recent work examining the effects of benzo[a]pyrene, a common PAH, indicates that prenatal oral exposure in mice results in decreased neuronal plasticity and behavioral deficits (Brown 2007)..."
6) Abundant energy from combustion sources has resulted in unrestrained proliferation - population growth and consumption - and near complete loss of morality. Knowledge on this subject has been applied to developing drugs and futile emission control strategies - rather than changing the lifestyle.
7) Though often hard working with great achievement - there is conformity to an immoral lifestyle - drive instead of walk, thermostats set high, junk food instead of wholesome, violent entertainment, mostly oblivious of the environment - and a willingness to take drugs as a solution.
8) That people would recognize morally deficient social values and change behavior seems impossible. Required is a moral and intellectual exertion - a self scrutiny of one's own attitude, character, behavior, and motives - and a rejection of wasteful activities and products.
9) Good God, spirits of the universe, or whatever you believe - we have to be Impossibly Good.
Mgt 101 Consume Less or Extinction
Mgt 101a Impossibly Good City Design
Love 201 20 Commandments: Who's Overdoing It?
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Etiology
Airway Genetics and Ambient Combustion Aerosol
Correct etiology applied to the majority of cases.
Sheds light on pollution caused disease in general - including MCS, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, cancer, COPD, and exascerbation of heart disease.
Recognizes there is no safe level of smoke and vehicle exhaust.
To quickly locate use search words MCS Etiology.
Agopyan N et al. Negatively charged 2 and 10 micron particles activate vanilloid receptors, increase cAMP, and induce cytokine release. Tox and Appl Pharm 186(2): 63-76 2003
American Psychiatric Association. Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th ed. Text Revision. Washington, DC 2000
increase cAMP, and induce cytokine release. Tox and Appl Pharm 186(2): 63-76 2003
Baulig al.Role of Paris PM 2.5 components in the pro-inflammatory response induced in airway epithelial cells. Tox 261: 126-35 2009
Baulig A. et al. Involvement of reactive oxygen species in the metabolic pathways triggered by diesel exhaust particles in human airway epithelial cells.Am J Physiol. Lung Cell mol Physiol 285 L671-679 2003a
Bessac B. & Jordt S. Breathtaking TRP channels : TRPA1 and TRPV1 in airway chemosensation and reflex control. Phys 23:360-70 2008
Block M.L.and Calderon-Garciduenas L. Air pollution: mechanisms of neuroinflammation & CNS disease. Trends Neuro 32(9): 506-16 2009
Block M.L. et al. Nanometer size diesel exhaust particles are selectively toxic to dopaminergic neurons; the role of microglia, phagocytosis, and NADPH oxidase. FASEB 10.1096/fj.041945fje 2004
Boman C. et al. Shedding new light on woodsmoke: a risk factor for respiratory health. Eur Resp J 27;3:446-47 2006
Bonvallot V. et al. Organic compounds from diesel exhaust particles elicit a pro-inflammatory response in human airway epithelial cells and induce cytochrome P450 1A1 expression. Am J Resp Cell Mol Biol 25: 515-21 2001
Bonvallot V. et al. Activation of transcription factors by diesel exhaust particles in human bronchial epithelial cells in vitro. Inhal Tox 12:359-64 2000
Brown L. et al. Downregulation of early ionotrophic glutamate receptor subunit developmental expression as a mechanism for observed plasticity deficits following gestational exposure to benzo(a)pyrene. Neurotox 28;5:965-78 2007
Cadle S.H et al. Composition of light duty motor vehicle particulat... in the Denver, Colorado area. Env Sc Tech 33;14: 2328-39 1999
Calderon-Garciduenas L. et al. Urban air pollution: influence on olfactory function and pathology in exposed children and young adults. Exp Tox Pathol 62:91-102 2010
Calderon-Garciduenas L. et al. Long-term air pollution exposure is associated with neuroinflammation, an altered innate immune response, disruption of the blood brain barrier, ultrafine particulate deposition, and accumulation of amyloid beta-42 and alpha-synuclein in children and young adults. Tox Pathol 36: 289-310 2008
Calderon-Garciduenas L. et al. Respiratory tract pathology and cytokine imbalance in clinically healthy children chronically and sequentially exposed to air pollutants. Med Hyp 55(5): 373-378 2000
Deering-Rice C. et al. Electrophilic components of diesel exhaust particles (DEP) activate transient receptor potential ankyrin-1 (TRPA1): a probable mechanism of acute pulmonary toxicity for DEP. Chem Res Tox 24;6:950-9 2011
Elder A. et al. Translocation of inhaled ultrafine manganese oxide particles in the central nervous system. EHP 114:1172-78 2006
Genter, M.B. Uptake of materials from the nasal cavity into the blood and brain. Ann NY Acad Sc 1170: 623-28 2009
Gerde P. et al. The rapid alveolar absorption of diesel-soot adsorbed benzo[a]pyrene: bioavailability, metabolism, and dosimetry of an inhaled particle-borne carcinogen. Carcinogenesis 22;5:741-49 2001
Gerde P. et al. Benzo{a}pyrene at an environmentally relevant dose is slowly absorbed by, and extensively metabolized in, tracheal epithelium. Carcinogenesis 18:1825-32 1997
Hazari M. et al. TRPA1 and sympathetic activation contribute to increased risk of triggered cardiac arrhythmia in hypertensive rats exposed to diesel exhaust. EHP 119:951-57 2011
Inoue K-i. et al. Effects of nanoparticles on antigen-related airway inflammation in mice. Resp Res 6:106 2005
Kittelson D.B. Engines and nanoparticles: a review. J Aerosol Sci 29: 575-88 1998
Kleeman M.J. et al. Size and composition distribution of fine particle matter emitted from woodburning, meat charbroiling, and cigarettes. Env Sc Tech 33;20: 3516-23 1999
Krivoshto I. et al. The toxicity of diesel exhaust: implications for primary care. J Am Board Fam Med 21:55-62 2008
Kunkler P. et al. TRPA1 receptors mediate environmental irritant-induced meningeal vasodilitation. Pain 152;1:38-44 2011
Lewis J. et al. Trigeminal uptake and clearance of inhaled magnesium chloride in rats and mice. Neurotox 26:113-23 2005
Li J. et al. TRPV4-mediated calcium influx into human bronchial epithelia upon exposure to diesel exhaust particles. EHO 119: 784-93 2011
Lucchini R.G. et al. Neurological impacts from inhalation of pollutants and the nose-brain connection. Neurotox (2011) doi:10.1016/j.neuro.2011.12.001 in press
Matsui Y. et al. Tracking the pathway of diesel exhaust particles from the nose to the brain by x-ray florescense analysis. Spectrochimica Acta Part B 64: 796-801 2009
Mgt 104 Respirators: Particles and Adsorbed Hydro.... 2012
MCS 9 Airway Origins: PM and a Defective Scrubber.
MCS 10 Credible Proof: The Study of all Studies.
MCS 11 PM: Trigeminal and Olfactory Pathways.
Miyabara Y. et al. Murine strain differences in airway inflammation caused by diesel exhaust particles. Eur Resp J 11: 291-98 1998
Miyabara Y. et al. Diesel exhaust enhances allergic airway inflamma... and hyperesponsiveness in mice. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 157: 1138-44 1998a
Mohankumar S.M.J. et al. Particulate matter, oxidative stress and neurotoxicity. Neurotox 29: 479-88 2008
Nassenstein C. et al. Expression and function of the ion channel TRPA1 in vagal afferent nerves innervating mouse lungs. J Phys 586:1595-604 2008
Nassini R. et al. The 'headache tree' via umbellone and TRPA1 activates the trigeminovascular system. Brain doi:10 1093/brain/awr272 2011
Nilius B. et al. Transient receptor potential cation channels in disease. Physiol Rev 87:166-217 2007
Oortgiesen et al. Residual oil fly ash and charged polymers activate epithelial cells and nociceptive sensory neurons. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 278: L683-95 2000
OSHA: Partial list of chemicals in diesel exhaust.
Pakkanen T.A. et al. Size distributions of mass and chemical compon... in street-level and rooftop PM1 particles in Helsinki. Atmosph Env 37: 1673-90 2003
Schauer J. et al. Measurement of emissions from air pollution sources. 5. C1-C32 organic compounds from gasoline-powered motor vehicles. Env Sc Tech 36:1169-80 2002
Schauer J. et al. Measurement of emissions from air pollution sources. 3. C1-C29 organic compounds from fireplace combustion of wood. Env Sc Tech 35:1716-28 2001
Schauer J. et al. Measurement of emissions from air pollution sources 2. C1 through C30 organic compounds from medium duty diesel trucks. Env Sc Tech 33:1578-87 1999
Society of Automotive Engineers. Schematic of diesel particles and vapor phase compounds. SAE Paper no. 940233 1994
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Taylor-Clark T. & Undem B. Ozone activates airway nerves via the selective stimulation of TRPA1 channels. J Physiol 588;3:423-33 2010
US DOT FHA Addendum to the 1997 Federal Highway Cost Allocation Study. Final report. May 2000
Veronesi B. et al. Effects of subchronic exposure to concentrated ambient particles VII Degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in APO E-1 mice. Inhal Tox 17; 4-5: 235-41 2005
Veronesi B. et al. Electrostatic charge activates inflammatory vanilloid (VR1) receptors. Neurotox 24: 463-73 2003
Veronesi B. et al. The surface charge of visible particulate matter predicts biological activation in human bronchial epithelial cells. Tox and Appl Pharm 178: 144-54 2002a
Veronesi B. et al. Particulate matter inflammation and receptor sensitivity are target cell specific. Inhal Tox 14(2): 159-83 2002b
Veronesi B. and Oortgiesen M. Neurogenic inflammation and particulate matter (PM) air pollutants. Neurotox 22: 795-810 2001
Veronesi B. et al. Vanilloid capsaicin receptors influence inflammatory sensitivity in response to particulate matter. Tox Appl Pharm 15;169(1): 66-76 2000
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Veronesi al. Neuropeptides and capsaicin stimulate the release of inflammatory cytokines in a human bronchial epithelial cell line. Neuropep 33;6: 447-56 1999b
Windham G.C. et al. Autism spectrum disorders in relation to distribution of hazardous air pollutants in the San Francisco Bay Area. EHP 114:1438-44 2006
Yoshikawa T. Epidemiology and unique aspects of aging and infectious diseases. Clin Infect Dis 30;6:931-33 2000
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