Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Etiology
Airway Genetics and Ambient Combustion Aerosol
MCS aa Etiology: Not Always Visible
MCS ab Etiology: Particulate Vector
MCS aj Etiology: Impossibly Good
Diesel exhaust - among the worst of combustion byproducts - is a principle driving force behind autism, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, MCS, and brain tumors.
First battlefield machines, semi trucks, and construction equipment - next school buses and delivery vehicles - and now diesel engines are promoted for pickup trucks, SUV's and cars - threatening to further the epidemic.
Reduction in PM (particulate matter) - the clean diesel promotion - concerns mostly coarse particles - the finest particles are not addressed - also possess hydrocarbons - and penetrate into the CNS.
Zielinska 2004 had SO4 2- (sulfate) almost 22, NO3 2.5, and total PM 10-30 times higher in diesel exhaust compared to gasoline.
Even if there are claims of improvement in emissions - there is no safe level. Such reduction is like saying - my roommate smoked 10 cigarettes per day in the house - but now smokes only one - so life is good.
Biodiesel exhaust is only a slight shade less severe.
There is no safe level of combustion byproducts including diesel exhaust.
I can make the following informal comparison - giving average of gasoline engines in cars and trucks 1 times a value of harm:
Gasoline cars and trucks 1X
Diesel cars and trucks 20-30X
Gasoline 2 and 4 stroke engines of motorcycles, ATV's, and lawn equipment 30-50X
Smoke including residential wood, open burn, tobacco, and marijuana at least 100X
Zielinska B. et al. Emission rates and comparative chemical composition from selected in-use diesel and gasoline-fueled vehicles. Air Waste Mgt Assoc 54:1138-50 2004
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