Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Etiology

Airway Genetics and Ambient Combustion Aerosol

MCS aj Impossibly Good

Mgt 101a Impossibly Good City Design  

Love 201 20 Commandments: Who's Overdoing It?

Love 202 20 Alternatives

A Plan for Avoiding Extinction:

Impossibly Good City Design 

Better Morality

Population Stabilization

Low Speed, Injury Proof, Zero Emission Vehicles

Walk to School, Work, and Shopping

Thermostats 50 Degrees or Less

Engage Only Unwasteful Products and Activities

50 years ago smoking was allowed in hospitals and nuclear bombs set off on the US surface.

Such behavior is a demonstration of poor judgement that shouldn't leave disbelief that mistakes continue. 

Since that time nearly 4 billion people have been added to the world population. It is a life consuming increase - lost and overscale - high speed - materialism and artificial - distraction with TV and gadgets - bogged down in wasteful traditions - extinction rapidly approaching.

As if oblivious  - 180,000 people added to the world every day - 7 to reach 8 billion in just 15 years - 100 million to the US each 40 years. Windmills, solar panels, and electric vehicles - not even keeping pace with population - another economic activity - growth defined as necessary - and continued exploitation - burning everything. Climate is changing (EPA 2012) - oceans loading up with carbon - inhabitants poised for extinction (CNN - IPSO, Rogers & Laffoley 2011).

Combustion fuel has presented a high speed, polluted, dangerous situation. Over 30 years - 1 in 300 is killed and one fourth injured in a motor vehicle accident - deaths exceeding one million (adapted from NSC data, Gertler 2002, Maricq 2002a, 2002b, US DOT FHA 2000Kittelson 1998, Cadle 1999Kleeman 1999, SAE 1994).


 "...Total social costs of air pollution associated with motor vehicle use are
estimated to range from $30 billion to $349 billion per year (Delucchi 1998). Most of those costs are associated with premature death and illness caused by particulate matter, including both direct particulate emissions and the secondary formation of particulates from other emissions. The wide range of air pollution cost estimates is indicative of the many uncertainties surrounding costs of motor-vehicle-related air pollution..."

PERVIN 2008:

"...Moreover, ambient PM, including sulfates, nitrates, and organic aerosols, accounts for about 95% of the total damage cost, and mortality related to ambient PM accounts for about 70% of the total damage cost..."

Principally by damaging the tracheo bronchial and nasal epithelium - the trigeminal and olfactory nervous system is exposed allowing direct penetration and leading to systemic inflammation -including endothelial and the CNS. Together with individual genetic component - death and disability results - including MCS, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, cancer, and cardio-pulmonary disease.

Deering-Rice 2011, Hazari 2011, Li 2011, Taylor-Clark 2010Baulig 2009, 2003aCalderon-Garciduenas 2008, 2000Veronesi 2003, 2002a, 2002b, 2001, 2000, 1999a, 1999b, Agopyan 2003, Bonvallot 2001, 2000, Gerde 2001, 1997Oortgiesen 2000, Roy 2000, Miyabara 1998,1998a, Steerenberg 1998, Meggs 1997

OSHA 2012, Block 2009, Pakkanen 2003, Schauer 2002, 2001, 1999, US DOT FHA 2000, Society of Automotive Engineers SAE 940233 1994

Lucchini 2012, Mohankumar 2008,  Inoue 2005, Kittelson 1998, Cadle 1999, Kleeman 1999  

 Fine particles expected to reach the CNS via trigeminal and olfactory nerve pathways

MCS 11, Calderon-Garciduenas 2010, Genter 2009, Matsui 2009, Elder 2006, Lewis 2005

35,000 violent deaths - millions of injuries occur annually in auto wrecks - an additional ballpark 160 billion dollars (200 million drivers, 250 million vehicles, average insurance $800.00).

Wasteful products and traditions - from Christmas tree ornaments to gold digging - all add up.

Is a value system of HD big screen worth going extinct - and an epidemic of pollution caused disease?

These choices are harmful or worthless. Reaching a scale of billions - it is consuming life.

The World is caught up in proliferation - all good if increasing the Gross Product  - instead of supporting policy that stops growth, works for worldwide population control, and moves to clean energy.

With the ability and options of having hands - mankind has been clever - but not exercised restraint and moral discretion with regard to population growth and consumption - and has forgotten to use his feet and powerful legs except to reach the gas pedal.

Having shown no better moral intelligence than overpopulating animals - there is no solution - short of extinction, pandemic, or calamity - except to stop population growth and consume less.

Its basic: Impossibly Good City Design , walk to school, work, and shopping, turn down the thermostat, skip unnecessary things - slowing down - 20 MPH zero emission shock absorbing vehicles - commercial trucks 10 MPH in populated zones.

US Energy Consumption (quadrillion Btu)

1960- 45, 1990- 84, 2010- 98

met with:

83% fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, natural gas)

  9    nuclear

  8    renewables - mostly hydro and dirty biomass fuels

less than 2% wind and solar combined

World Population

1500-  500 million, 1950- 2.5 billion, 2010- 7 billion, 2025- 8 billion

US Population

1970- 203 million, 2011- 311, 2025- 351, 2040- 422


US Gross Domestic Product (current dollars)

1970-  1 trillion, 2000- 9.9, 2010- 14.5


World Carbon Dioxide  (CO2) Emissions - from fossil fuel combustion (million metric tons)

1980- 18,330, 2000- 23,751, 2005- 28,192, 2009- 30,313

US CO2 Emissions

1980- 4754, 2000- 5823, 2009- 5424

CO2 in the Atmosphere (PPM)

1744- 277, 1816- 284, 1903- 295, 1960- 317, 1970- 326, 1980- 339, 1990-354, 2000- 367, 2009- 385


2007 -  4,316,233


2007 -  2,423,712

US Immigration (Permanent Legal Residence Status)

2010 - 1,042,065


US Motor Vehicle Accidents


2009 - 35,900

death rate per 100,000 - 11.7


2009 - 3,500,000

adapted from the above:

death rate 1 yr - 1 / 8,457

                   30 yr - 1 / 300

injury rate 1 yr - 1 / 86

                   30 yr - 1 / 4

MCS aj Impossibly Good

Mgt 101a Impossibly Good City Design    

Love 201 20 Commandments: Who's Overdoing It?

Love 202 20 Alternatives



Agopyan N et al. Negatively charged 2 and 10 micron particles activate vanilloid receptors, increase cAMP, and induce cytokine release. Tox and Appl Pharm 186(2): 63-76 2003

Block M.L.and Calderon-Garciduenas L. Air pollution: mechanisms of neuroinflammation & CNS disease. Trends Neuro 32(9): 506-16 2009

Block M.L. et al. Nanometer size diesel exhaust particles are selectively toxic to dopaminergic neurons; the role of microglia, phagocytosis, and NADPH oxidase. FASEB 10.1096/fj.041945fje 2004

Cadle S.H et al. Composition of light duty motor vehicle particulate matter in the Denver, Colorado area. Env Sc Tech 33;14: 2328-39 1999

Calderon-Garciduenas L. et al. Urban air pollution: influence on olfactory function and pathology in exposed children and young adults. Exp Tox Pathol 62:91-102 2010

Calderon-Garciduenas L. et al. Long-term air pollution exposure is associated with neuroinflammation, an altered innate immune response, disruption of the blood brain barrier, ultrafine particulate deposition, and accumulation of amyloid beta-42 and alpha-synuclein in children and young adults. Tox Pathol 36: 289-310 2008

Calderon-Garciduenas L. et al. Respiratory tract pathology and cytokine imbalance in clinically healthy children chronically and sequentially exposed to air pollutants. Med Hyp 55(5): 373-378 2000

CNN-IPSO. Shaikh T. Marine life facing mass extinction, report says. 2011

Delucchi, M. "The Annualized Social Cost of Motor-Vehicle Use in the U.S. 1990-91: Summary of Theory, Data, Methods, and Results." Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis. UCD-ITS-RR-96-3 (1), p 55 1998 Climate Change 2012 

EPA Chapter 6. Protecting visibility: an EPA report to congress. Approx 1980

Gertler A.W. et al. Real world particulate matter and gaseous emissions from motor vehicles in a highway tunnel. Res Resp Health Eff Int Jan;107: 5-56 disc 79-92 2002

Kittelson D.B. Engines and nanoparticles: a review. J Aerosol Sci 29: 575-88 1998

Kleeman M.J. et al. Size and composition distribution of fine particle matter emitted from woodburning, meat charbroiling, and cigarettes. Env Sc Tech 33;20: 3516-23 1999

Lucchini R.G. et al. Neurological impacts from inhalation of pollutants and the nose-brain connection. Neurotox (2011) doi:10.1016/j.neuro.2011.12.001 in press

Maricq M.M. The effects of the catalytic converter and fuel sulfur level on motor vehicle particulate matter emissions from gasoline vehicles. Env Sc Tech Jan 15;36(2): 276-82 2002

Maricq M.M. The effects of the catalytic converter and fuel sulfur ... Env Sc Tech 36;2: 283-89 2002

Matsui Y. et al. Tracking the pathway of diesel exhaust particles from the nose to the brain by x-ray florescense analysis. Spectrochimica Acta Part B 64: 796-801 2009

Pervin T. et al. Societal Costs of air pollution-related health hazards; A review of methods and results. Cost Ef Res Alloc 6:19 2008

Rogers A.D. and LaffoleyD.d'A. International earth system expert workshop on ocean stresses and impacts. Oxford 18pp 2011. International Programme on the State of the                                                                                                                                       

SAE. Society of Automotive Engineers. Schematic of diesel particles and vapor phase compounds. SAE Paper no. 940233 1994 (Walsh car lines)

Veronesi B. et al. Effects of subchronic exposure to concentrated ambient particles VII Degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in APO E-1 mice. Inhal Tox 17; 4-5: 235-41 2005 Utah fish advisories 2012

Veronesi B. and Oortgiesen M. Neurogenic inflammation and particulate matter (PM) air pollutants. Neurotox 22: 795-810 2001

US DOT FHA Addendum to the 1997 Federal Highway Cost Allocation Study. Final report. May 2000

Woodruff T.J. et al. (EPA). Public health implications of 1990 air toxic concentrations across the United States. Env H P 106;5:245-51 1998

World Almanac 2012:

US Energy Consumption - Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy Annual Energy Review

World and US Population - International Database, International Program Center, Population Division, US Census Bureau, US Department of Commerce; World Factbook, Central Intelligence Agency

Gross Domestic Product - Bureau of Economic Analysis, US Department of Commerce

World and US CO2 Emissions - US Department of Energy

CO2 in the Atmosphere - Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, US Department of Energy

US Births and Deaths - National Center of Health Statistics, US Department of Health and Human Services

US Immigration - Office of Immigration Statistics, US Department of Homeland Security

US Motor Vehicle Accidents - National Safety Council









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